unpalatable (adj) - unpleasant to the taste; disagreeable or difficult to accept [uhn-pal-uh-tuh-buhl]
palatable means agreeable or acceptable; able to be eaten
palate is a person’s sense of taste or judgment; the roof of the mouth
See also: hyper-palatable
BREAKDOWN: Where does the palate come from? Biologically, the hard separation of the oral and nasal cavities is formed by the palatine processes of the maxilla anteriorly and horizontal plates of palatine bones posteriorly. Etymologically, the word derives directly from the Latin (perhaps by way of Etruscan) word palātum meaning roof of the mouth, where the sense of taste was thought to reside.
“Often, what allows someone to behave heroically in dire circumstances is unpalatable in day-to-day life.” —Nic Pizzolatto
[Our Wednesday Wildcards are fascinating and important words that are not necessarily derived from classical roots.]