contronym (noun) - a word that can mean the opposite of itself; e.g. cleave or left (also antagonym, autoantonym, or Janus word) [kon-truh-nim]
BREAKDOWN: CONTRA- (opposed) + -ONYM (name)
See also: eponymous
“Bolt is a contronym—a word that is opposite itself. If you bolt something, you hold it together. If you bolt, you separate by fleeing. Bolt is a reminder that words were made by humans, and sometimes, humans make mistakes…
“The worst mistakes make the greatest lessons, and those who learn them… bolt. It’s your journey to figure out which bolt.” ―Parker S. Huntington
[Fun Word Friday introduces more advanced or technical words that are based on word roots. Yes, these words may still be tested on standardized exams. Try to use this word in a sentence today!]