eponymous (adj) - giving one's name to something or being so named for someone or something (also eponymic) [uh-pon-uh-muhs]
BREAKDOWN: EPI- (upon) + -ONYM (name) + -OUS (having qualities of)
an eponym is a real or mythical person or thing whose name is the source for something else or, alternately, a name derived from the name or a person or thing
“One day while my brain was overheating, a cardinal, a blue jay, and an oriole appeared near my windowsill—that’s all the eponymous birds of Major League Baseball teams. That never happens.” ―David Epstein
[Fun Word Friday introduces more advanced or technical words that are based on word roots. Yes, these words may still be tested on standardized exams. Try to use this word in a sentence today!]