prototypical (adj) - of, pertaining to, or being the first, original, or typical form of something [proh-tuh-tip-i-kuhl]
BREAKDOWN: PROTO- (first) + TYP- (kind) + -ICAL (pertaining to)
a prototype is an original, model, or exemplar on which something is based or formed; an early sample or test model
SEE ALSO: protean
“Superheroes are also about immigrants. Superman, the prototype of all superheroes, is a prototypical immigrant. His homeland was in crisis, so his parents sent him to America in search of a better life. He has two names, one American, Clark Kent, and the other foreign, Kal-El. He wears two sets of clothes and lives in between two cultures. He loves his new country, but a part of him still longs for his old one.” —Gene Luen Yang