orotund (adj) - displaying a rich, strong sound; bombastic or pompous (derived from the Latin phrase ore rotundo meaning with round mouth) [awr-uh-tuhnd]
BREAKDOWN: OR- (mouth) + ROT- (round, rolling) + -UND (state)
orotundity is the use of rich, impressive language and tones
rotund means round, ripe, or plump
“You know that the nucleus of time is not
The poet but the poem, the growth of the mind
Of the world, the heroic effort to live expressed
As victory. The poet does not speak in ruins
Nor stand there making orotund consolations.
He shares the confusions of intelligence.” —Wallace Stevens
[Fun Word Friday introduces more advanced or technical words that are based on word roots. Yes, these words may still be tested on standardized exams. Try to use this word in a sentence today!]