hurkle durkle (verb) - to linger or lounge in a comfortable bed long past your scheduled waking time
BREAKDOWN: The 19th-century Scottish term hurkle durkle is having a 21st-century moment, thanks to–of course–social media. Hurkle durkle traces back at least to 1808 and is based on the word hurkle meaning to huddle, crouch, or draw in one’s body for warmth or secrecy. Hurkle itself may derive from Dutch or Old Norse. The durkle part may just be playful reduplicative rhyme.
"I do be hurkling and I do be durkling, and once I've hurkled my last durkle in a given morning, I will get up" –Kira Kosarin
[Our Wednesday Wildcards are fascinating and important words that are not derived from classical roots.]
Such a good one - my Scottish gran is chuckling in heaven!
It’s ok gran - just hurtle durkling since 330am putting it all back together.
6am … time for a jog then as I integrate a moderate dash of USA Booyah
Love it! Am I weird in that I love -kle endings - twinkle, tinkle, sparkle, honeysuckle ..? 😁