enigmatic (adj) - puzzling, perplexing, or mysterious; difficult to interpret or understand [en-ig-mat-ik]
an enigma is something or someone that defies understanding or explanation; an inexplicable mystery, riddle, or puzzle
BREAKDOWN: The word enigma derives from the Greek ainigma meaning riddle, taunt, or dark saying. No other English words are traced back to this root, but the name of Aeneas, hero of the Aeneid, may be.
“There's something in the human personality which resents things that are clear, and conversely, something which is attracted to puzzles, enigmas, and allegories.” —Stanley Kubrick

[Our Wednesday Wildcards are fascinating and important words that are not necessarily derived from classical roots.]
So the etymology of enigmas is an enigma… 😎 Loved learning about the Aeneas connection!