commensal (adj) - eating together at the same table; living together or interacting in a long-term biological relationship beneficial for one and harmless for others [kuh-men-suhl]
BREAKDOWN: CO- (with) + MENS- (table) + -AL (pertaining to)
a commensal is an organism that derives benefits from the internal or external environment of a host without causing harm or providing benefits in turn
commensalism is a long-term biological interaction in which members of one species gain benefits while those of the other species neither benefit nor suffer
commensality is the practice of eating together or coming together at the table
“Both commensality–the act of eating together–and the sharing of food are powerful means by which human beings create, express, and solidify feelings of mutual trust, intimacy, and kinship.” —Naomi Leite
[Fun Word Friday introduces more advanced or technical words that are based on word roots. Yes, these words may still be tested on standardized exams. Try to use this word in a sentence today!]