collocate (verb) - to often be used together or to appear or occur frequently together; to arrange in proper order [kol-uh-keyt]
BREAKDOWN: CO- (together) + LOC- (place) + -ATE (to make or do)
collocation is the act or state of juxtaposing or grouping sounds, words, or things
collocative meaning describes what a word means in a specific context and its association with other words to create a cohesive phrase
“Hypocrisy—in other words, the practice of lying about lying—shields us from seeing ourselves as we are: a collocation of fragments that fit together as a biological unit but not as anything else.” —Thomas Ligotti
[Fun Word Friday introduces more advanced or technical words that are based on word roots. Yes, these words may still be tested on standardized exams. Try to use this word in a sentence today!]
Correct collocation (words often used together) is extremely important when learning a language… it’s where you see true fluency….