agglomeration (noun) - a mass or collection of different things; the act or state of collecting, heaping, or lumping things together [uh-glom-uh-rey-shuhn]
BREAKDOWN: AG- (to) + GLOM- (ball-shaped mass) + -ER (to do) + -ATION (process of)
agglomerate as a verb means to gather together into a cluster, group, or mass
agglomerate as a noun means a jumbled mass, heap, or collection; a specific volcanic rock
agglomerate as a adjective means clustered or gathered into a mass
"When the thing observed is seen as an agglomeration of pieces, the details lose their meaning and the whole becomes unrecognizable. This is often true of snapshots in which no pattern of salient shapes organizes the mass of vague and complex nuances." —Rudolf Arnheim
[Fun Word Friday introduces more advanced or technical words that are based on word roots. Yes, these words may still be tested on standardized exams. Try to use this word in a sentence today!]