Saturdays are perfect days for savvy surprises. Surprise—we’re talking about synonyms for skill today!
adept (adj) - highly skilled; expert; proficient
BREAKDOWN: AD- (to) + APT- (fit) [same roots as adapt]
adroit (adj) - clever, skillful, or nimble (antonym is maladroit)
BREAKDOWN: AD- (to) + ROIT- (right)
artful (adj) - clever, crafty, or skillful; artistic
BREAKDOWN: ART- (art, skill) + -FUL (full of)
consummate (adj) - of the highest degree; perfect or complete
BREAKDOWN: CON- (with) + SUMM- (highest) + -ATE (being)
expertise (noun) - expert advice; specialized knowledge and experience
BREAKDOWN: EX- (out) + PIR- (try, test) + -ISE (full of)
proficient (adj) - having great facility in an area of expertise; skilled
BREAKDOWN: PRO- (forward) + FIC- (make) + -ENT (full of)
prowess (adj) - great skill or ability
BREAKDOWN: PRO- (forward) + ESSE- (to be)
savvy (adj) - practical understanding, shrewdness, or comprehension
BREAKDOWN: SAV- (discernment) + -Y (full of)
virtuoso (noun) - one who possesses outstanding talent in a skill, art, or field
BREAKDOWN: VIRT- (good) + -OSO (one who is)
“The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.” —Robert Greene