Saturdays are perfect days for retrieval practice. It's time for a pop quiz on last month’s words!
For each of the following five definitions, select the word defined. Answers are at the end of the question set.
1. Any effort that is pointless or useless :
(A) disdain (B) futility (C) hypertrophy (D) recursion (E) legerdemain
2. Rigid or severe in demands or requirements:
(A) irrevocable (B) expansive (C) laudable (D) artful (E) exacting
3. To cause to lose energy or strength; to weaken or debilitate:
(A) calcify (B) subjugate (C) enervate (D) muster (E) imbibe
4. The quality of being disrespectful, impertinent, or bold:
(A) legerdemain (B) dilation (C) impudence (D) pallor (E) periphrasis
5. Unnecessarily or obtrusively ready to offer advice or services:
(A) officious (B) facetious (C) loquacious (D) sclerotic (E) lachrymose Â
ANSWERS: 1.B 2.E 3.C 4.C 5.A
—If you didn't get 5 out of 5, go back and review last month's words!—