Saturdays are perfect days for angry surprises. Surprise—we’re talking about the minor root IRA- today!
Some word roots are uncomplicated, in that each word derived from them mean exactly what you’d think. Such is the minor root IRA-, which means anger. IRA- certainly isn’t minor because its meaning—like it or not, anger is a powerful emotion. Nor are the words based on this root trivial; on the contrary, these words are both common and useful. There are simply so few of them, which is probably a good thing!
irascible (adj) - quickly or easily provoked to anger; irritable
irate (adj) - feeling or showing great anger; furious
ire (noun) - anger, indignation, or wrath
ireful (adj) - full of great anger, wrath, or rage
“The burnt child, urged by rankling ire, Can hardly wait to get back at the fire.” —Ogden Nash